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Old 22nd September 2018, 22:50
In_infamy In_infamy is offline
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Posts: 88
Default Re: Weight gain success stories for people who were underweight

Originally Posted by limey123
@the OP: what gender and age are you? Those things can make a difference.

I was very thin and weedy until my early 30s. I remember a kind woman at an evening class in Germany referring to me as a "little shit". (To be fair, she called another class member "ugly", so I don't think she was a nice person). I'm hardly a muscleman now, but at least I'm an average weight, a little overweight actually.

I'm afraid to say nothing helped me except age. During my teens and 20s I ate like a piglet and even did some weights, all in vain.
I literally had no muscle mass and I'm still fairly spindly even now.

Perhaps you could visit your GP if you are especially concerned?
Originally Posted by Mr. Spaceman
Like above I was very skinny in my teens, 20s and early 30s - a steady 8 and a half to 9 stone - with seemingly no muscle mass at all, could eat as much ice cream and pizza as I wanted without putting on any weight whatsoever. Then I got to my mid 30s and due to a combination of ageing, becoming much less physically active and prescription medication (anti-depressants + beta blockers) I started to put on weight and am now 12 and a half stone, which counts as slightly overweight for my height (5ft 6).

Most of the weight seems to have accumulated around my belly, but my shoulders, arms and legs have also bulked up which I'm quite happy with. I go swimming semi-regularly in an attempt to maintain shape. Overall I much prefer my body now even though I guess I'm less physically healthy than when I was in my 20s.

I doubt that counts as a success story sorry! Only thing I wish is that I had just accepted myself for what I was back in my 20s rather than beating myself up wishing I was bigger and for not trying hard enough to be.
Actually, one big thing I didn't mention is that I am also like you guys - since a child I've always been known as the person who seemed to be able to eat loads without putting on any weight. Everyone in my family is of a small build so I don't know if I am fighting against genetics here The reason why I'd like to put on weight is not necessarily to appear (much) bigger though, it's just to be able to have more strength and feel less fatigued, as well as have a better posture. I'm trying to do exercises alongside weight gaining ambitions but it's hard to exercise when you have nothing inside of you!
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