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Old 31st July 2007, 04:54
Deepest Blue
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Default 10 Ways To Turn Being "lonely" Into Comfortable.., ...just something that helps me fr

If we think of being alone as being "lonely", then fear of loneliness can drive us into deeper depression which in turn will not contribute at all to the quality of our lives or what we can truely offer - or being capable of offering. Remember, every single one of us has a talent. So, it is possible to turn loneliness into comforting, so that when we socialise, it is by choice, not because we are driven.

1. Enjoy the person you are. If you don't like yourself, then figure out why and start work on becoming a person you do enjoy. You can do it, and you'll be too busy to be lonely.

2. Arrange your surroundings so that they give you pleasure, reminders of all the things that make you happy and give you joy, that brings a smile to your face. Get more involved in your hobbies.

3. Study a field you want to learn more about & set up some form of study of it. If you don't like/can't afford classes, check out the library, make yourself a reading list on your chosen topic, set yourself a schedule. Alternatively, you can use the internet for your source of information.

4. Make a list of friends you haven't called/written to lately. Don't worry that they haven't contacted you either. Catch up, they will be thrilled to hear from you.

5. Get yourself a pet (dog, cat, bird, bunny, something that will respond to you).

6. Grow things - flowers, indoor plants, herbs on the window ledge & take care of them.

7. Volunteer for something, anything. You are needed somewhere, and will be emotionally repaid a hundredfold. Remember, we all have a gift if we apply ourselves positively.

8. Visit your family or a loved one, wherever they may be.

9. Put yourself among natural things such as visiting a park, conservatory, zoo, Theatres or even go for daily walks.

10. Finally, celebrate the fact that you can choose your own schedule & would be capable of doing your own thing. It is a luxury many people pray for every day, and have no prospect of ever getting.

Remember, you can still be "lonely" even if you're not alone, it has to come from within.

Stay positive.
Take Care.