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Old 24th October 2015, 17:39
Nat88 Nat88 is offline
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Default Re: Trichotillomania

Originally Posted by kafkafan
I had this for years, pulled every day and had large bald patches, and had basically given up on it getting better, but it has, gradually, and now it's only occasionally when very tired and stressed that i pull. I wish i could tell you what helped but i honestly don't know what made it better, other than getting out of a difficult living situation i was in and maybe incidentally getting away from physical triggers (i used to pull mostly when sitting with my elbow on the arm of the sofa where i was living and moved somewhere that wasn't possible - i know it sounds daft for that to make a difference but its all i can think of!). I still sometimes pull from my arms so it hasn't gone away completely, but impacts my life much less now. Sorry to not really have any advice, but i would say you're definitely not weird for doing this and don't give up, also managing not to do it for 2 days is bloody good going! Also you've probably already come across it but i found this book helpful It's got lots of tips to try and also a lot of first person accounts of trich which made me think "oh thank god, that isn't just me!".
Thanks for that link; looks really interesting. Will have a search through my library's self-help section; never thought to look for books on the subject.

My family used to react pretty hurtfully when they first noticed me doing it; obviously they didn't understand the issue but it doesn't help in trying to overcome it. Since starting this thread, I've made a huge effort to stop pulling my lashes out, and being doing it a lot less than normal. Perhaps talking about it, even online, helps somewhat. So thanks everyone
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