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Old 6th February 2019, 13:05
Consolida Consolida is offline
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Default Re: Do you regret not having kids? (or having them?)

I feel like I'm in a minority in this thread but, having a child is by far one of the best things that has ever happened in my life and it's something I've never once regretted even in the early years when times were incredibly tough. I don't think it's selfish to have children if they are loved and nurtured, neither do I think it's in any way selfish if people choose not to have them. Each to their own.

Most people don't like other peoples unruly children - many a time a meal out has been totally ruined by someone's noisy child running around the restaurant - but I would blame such behaviour on the parents who are allowing this NOT on the child who knows no better. I've noticed that a lot of parents these days barely look up from their phones when they are out and don't seem to know or care what their kids are up to.
I always taught my child to be respectful of other people and made it clear that if they ever misbehaved in a shop or restaurant I would march them straight out and never take them back there again. Luckily I never needed to put my words into action.

I do think it's rather unfair for people to tar all children with the same brush. I mean, to me, that would be as ludicrous as saying that all Muslims are Terrorists!
We were all children once and todays children didn't ask to be here anymore than we did. Like it or not, someday in the future (whether we chose to have children of our own or not) these 'vermin' might be wiping the dribble from our chins and sitting us on the lavatory for which I imagine most of us will be very thankful for.
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