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Old 14th October 2019, 01:16
Utopia Utopia is offline
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Default Re: What makes life worth living?

I honestly feel that people need to make their own meaning for their own lives, the universe is an incredibly complex thing, and to me it is a 'miracle' that life even exists at all - it is a truly a magnificent thing. The complexity of the universe, and in particular the peculiarity and diversity of planet earth is so fascinating to me, there are still many questions left unanswered, but to me we do look like a freak coincidence within an unimaginably vast space of possibilities. It just seems like (maybe to my puny human brain) that there shouldn't be anything at all - and yet there is - in all it's vast pointlessness and complexity, are brains are blessed to appreciate the beauty of it all. It is merely rules and laws, but we have the capacity to understand (to an extent) and influence it.

So that is one way of looking at it, although most likely just an expression (to our minds) of some kind of incredibly complex, yet meaningless process, it is also, to me at least - quite an awe inspiring work of art; of which the diversity and complexity of life is the most surprising, and fascinating.

As for what makes life worth living, really we have to ultimately decide that for ourselves, the universe doesn't owe us any favors but we have been blessed with consciousness by it, and the chances of that seem very slim to my mind, but of course - we don't/can't know everything.

I personally see a lot of immense beauty in things, even though natural selection is (to out minds at least) a very cruel process, there is a beauty to the patterns and relations I see in nature - including human beings and our cities and societies. Things in nature are like a massive, complex, mathematical machine.

My advice to you would be to not dwell on all of this, and instead focus on the meaning in your personal relationships; focus on the things you can control, rather than getting depressed about all the negative aspects of how pointless everything actually is - because this is just a cold hard fact we all have to deal with. Human beings can fly half way across the earth, survive at the polar ice caps for months on end, dive to the deepest oceans, go to the moon and come back; we can instantly communicate with people anywhere on earth at any time, we can move faster than any other animal on earth, in the air, on land and in the sea; we can generate our own electricity to power machines that let us see anything we want when we wan't, we no longer have to hunt animals in the wild, and less than 5% of the population farms animals and crops so efficiently that it can feed everyone and still have a surplus left over. There are so many things that we have achieved that would have seemed impossible, or crazy to our ancestors, yet we've achieved all of these things by working with what we have. The goal is to decide what personally makes you happy and then working with the things you can control to figure out how to make things better. That is what makes us special in the animal kingdom, we are blessed with the human brain - which in itself is so unimaginably complex - it may well be one of the most complex things in the entire universe.

Really stop thinking about things if it depresses you, at least be in awe of it and just get on with the other aspects of life that can bring you happiness - maybe this is starting a family, exploring new places, or just not thinking about things and just enjoy it. I mean we all have our own meanings and desires from life. There are things that make me unhappy and this isn't that big a reason tbh because there is no controlling it, and so the answer would be to stop dwelling on it and work with what may well be your only shot at the highest level of consciousness we know of at this stage - so don't waste it getting down about things you can't control.
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