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Old 3rd August 2015, 23:56
nosilencenostigma nosilencenostigma is offline
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 9
Default Re: No Silence, No Stigma Wants YOUR Input for a New Mental Health Curriculum

@tryinghard Fair points. I've definitely been thinking a lot about these sorts of issues and whether or not and if so how to include diagnostic language in the curriculum. I think it makes perfect sense to question whether it is ethical to teach young people a language that we know can induce self-stigma and may or may not refer to anything real. On the other hand, this is the language our society currently uses. Insurance companies and people in helping professions use it, but most importantly it is the most common language that PEOPLE use to describe persistent issues with extreme states. Personally I believe that the ideal is not to shelter young people from this language (which they will likely find out about anyway, especially if they are dealing with significant mental health problems), but to teach them to ground the language in reality, AKA understand that it is an artificial, utilitarian, regularly updating language created by the APA, and that it has advantages and disadvantages.
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