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Old 1st December 2010, 19:29
Shanti Shanti is offline
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Posts: 243


Default Re: What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you?

I think sniggering and whispering can be extremely hurtful as well, it's like a subtle way of excluding someone. This has happened to me a lot. As well as the usual "why are you so quiet?" "is there anyone in there?" "old smiler over there (cos I never smiled)" but I don't think the majority of those people realized how hurtful those comments were. The most pernicious comments I have received though are from 'friends' such as "I don't get you, every time I see you your just like this empty headed bimbo" "I think your going to die young in a really random circumstance" and just lodes of little remarks here and there too many to remember, like little bullets that chip away a piece of you every time you hear them. The same guy also once trying to drive off with everyone else in the car leaving me behind, not even pretending it was a joke. He also ran me over when I 'jokily' went and sat on the front bonnet to try and stop him. All this makes me realize how a lot of the friends I've had in the past have been bullying me, using me as a target to trample over, putting me down to make themselves feel powerful. I think people with SA are particularly susceptible to receiving this type of treatment, because they don't answer back, they just take it cos of low confidence and a feeling that you deserve it. So people who will take that kind of s**t the most sensitively are the people that will receive it the most.....But definitely the subtle ways of rejecting and abusing you, through body language and certain words and behaviours can be some of the most hurtful attacks, it's a more intelligent form and it really gets in to your psyche and maybe even affects your sense of self, it reinforces your sense of worthlessness at the very least, but because there's no tangible insult it's hard to fight back or leave's evil

Also once throwing change on the floor for me to pick up like a dog. Man, treating me like a dog and I stayed in contact with that person for 3 years!