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Old 9th January 2020, 12:38
coraljo coraljo is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Location: West Sussex
Posts: 23


Default Re: Have you ever been 'de-friended'?

This happened to me twice when I was at school. I had hardly any friends and so really valued the ones I did have. The first time it was just so strange. It was secondary school and I was probably about 14/15 and one day out of the blue at school, he just started completely ignoring me. He stopped sitting next to me in class, brought things into school (presents) for our two mutual friends but not me and barely, if at all, spoke to me. School was difficult as it was so this just crushed me. The weird thing is is that one day, out of the blue, sometime later, he started speaking to me again. I don't think I ever got, or asked for an explanation as to why he did that, I think I was just desperate for friends so I just got on with it and accepted it. That was twenty years ago.

The second time was with one of the other few friends I had at school but a bit later. We were in college and just before A-level exam time, he just disappeared. I think he must have been having problems at home (his mum wanted him to work instead of studying) and he just left and went to his Nan, who lived a distance away. He came back for the exams but hardly spoke to me and then disappeared again. I text him a few times but barely got any response (mostly one word answers if at all) so I didn't bother again as he obviously had no interest in staying in contact.

That was the last friend I had and I have not had any since
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