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Old 6th May 2019, 14:52
Moksha Moksha is offline
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Default Re: The Suicide Thread - Trigger Warning,

I hope this doesn't sound patronising as I certainly don't intend it to come across that way but 28 is very young and you have so much time to still achieve so many of the things that you would like to do.
If regenerative medicine, anti-ageing drugs, etc live up to the hype, even 50 or 60 may soon be young. Plenty of people now predict lifespans of 150, even 200 for those in the developed world (of course, nuclear war, overpopulation or climate change may destroy us first, but that's another subject )

Honestly, most people I've spoken to, (in hindsight, and when they've removed those rose tinted spectacles of nostalgia) hated a lot of their youth (constantly worrying about exams, girls, keeping up with everyone else, searching for jobs, blah blah blah) and actually find their 30's and 40's less stressful in some respects.

So true. This point needs to be stressed. Of course, some people really do have an awesome time and yearn to go back. But I'd say the majority of people struggle. In fact, I'd hazard a guess that at least half hated their adolescence and 20s. Never underestimate the power of self-delusion. Often, people who had a sh*t childhood or adolescence, or whose university years were scary and lonely, will look back with nostalgia. I've seen them do it. They twist and distort the past, and then they believe their own lies.

The great thing about getting older is the freedom and space. People stop judging and pressuring you. And you stop caring what they think anyway.
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