Thread: 2010-20 Music
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Old 22nd April 2024, 21:33
Hylas Hylas is offline
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Default Re: 2010-20 Music

The song "Gawing Langit Ang Mundo" (Make the World into Heaven) by Siakol reflects on social inequality and the need for empathy and compassion towards those who are suffering. The lyrics describe the stark contrast between the privileged and the marginalized in society.

In the first verse, it suggests that the wealthy and powerful disregard the struggles of those living in poverty. The image of their solid roofs and abundant feasts emphasizes their detachment from the plight of the less fortunate. The question posed, "Ikaw ba? Naririnig mo ba sila? Ikaw ba?" (Are you listening to them? Is it you?), implies the need for individuals to pay attention and empathize with the struggles of others.

The chorus expresses the desire to transform the world by working together to end inequality. It encourages unity, emphasizing that change begins with "ikaw at ako" (you and me). The line, "Hanggang maging lahat na tayo" (Until we all become one), highlights the goal of collective empowerment and inclusivity. The observation of the beauty in helping others who are hungry and suffering is a call to action, urging listeners to contribute to making the world a more just and compassionate place.

The second verse addresses the apathy of those in power, who prioritize their personal gain over societal well-being. They exploit opportunities, even if it means causing turmoil and war, as their power allows them to control the people. The question, "Ikaw ba? Nadarama mo ba ito? Ikaw ba?" (Do you feel this? Is it you?), highlights the need for self-awareness and acknowledging the consequences of such actions.

The bridge emphasizes the importance of acting early, even if it is for the benefit of future generations. It calls for considering the welfare of those who will grow up in an environment that reflects the love and compassion we exhibit today.

Overall, "Gawing Langit Ang Mundo" encourages listeners to foster empathy, fight against social inequality, and work towards a harmonious and compassionate society where everyone is taken care of. It serves as a reminder that change starts with individuals and their willingness to make a positive impact.
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