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Old 13th April 2021, 21:10
limey123 limey123 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 1,731
Default Re: Zwanzig Jahre, die gleiche Scheiße

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and also words of encouragement. Tonight I am writing my leaving note. It's an agency role so according to the contract I can terminate at once. I gave it 110%. But it wasn't for me. I won't go into details but one major reason was the corporate approach to training; they never actually taught me the most key things I needed to know and understand to actually perform the role. The approach instead seemed to be simply "we'll throw you at the clients and you can learn from your mistakes". That may work for some people, but it doesn't work for me. Bad for me and even worse for the clients. While at the same time I was being told that mistakes could hardly be tolerated. I need proper training materials and evalulations/verifications of my learning, etc. Maybe that's my failing, but too bad. With more suitable training I could probably have done the job OK, dunno, though there was a steep learning curve and masses to learn. Training remotely also made things harder. I gave it my best, including spending a decent chunk of my time off trying to get ahead, and I have no major regrets. So, assuming my notice is accepted immediately, I am back in the labour market. What I'll actually do next, I don't know for sure yet. I'm down, but certainly not out!
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