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Old 24th May 2013, 22:59
buttonlane buttonlane is offline
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Default Re: Buttonlane's Progress Diary

I agree, I feel the same way about how difficult it can be to break away from labels. Id rather have a panic attack infront of someone I know I'll never meet again. Once your labeled as the awkward guy/girl then its difficult to break free of it because an expectation has already been set up and will always be there. People tend not to like it when you change.

Im not working at the moment, I'm building myself up to work voluntary in an art cafe in town (away from my area). Im not ready yet but hopfully in the coming weeks these desenstization exercises will help me move further along the line.

I worked at several charity shops in the last couple of years and that really moved me forward so I looking to get back into working again.

Also I think it's important to remember that most people feel nervous and awkward when meeting someone new, you just feel it more intensely. I've found opening up to people has shown me that lots of people feel the same, but they view it differently and deal with it differently. I remember once I told someone who was really into clubbing that I just feel too awkward and don't enjoy it. They totally surprised me by saying they understood because they felt awkward too and that's why they drink when they're there. Also if you tell the right people then they can be very accepting and supportive. I'm saying this with a femal perspective..not sure if it's the same for fellas?
The people ive told have been fairly supportive but I also feel that some people use it for there own ends or take advantage. I'm more selective who I tell these days. Though it can be so obvious I suffer with anxiety I tell them all they need to know without saying a word. lol.
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