Thread: Prozac
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Old 9th October 2007, 11:02
peaceseeker peaceseeker is offline
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Posts: 263
Default Re: Prozac

I am so glad you have made a post like this!, I tried 'citalopram' twice and it did nothing but make me go crazy!, seriously if that med disagrees with you stop taking it (after giving it a few weeks to settle the initial side effects of course!).

Anyway, back onto prozac,

I am feeling so low lately, and recent events in my care have made things worse, I do believe I may need an anti-depressant, as I am unable to shake the low points I experience and they hang around for weeks. Someone my sister knows took prozac, after a recommendation from another friend, they are a tried and well tested drug, and I believe could help, my sisters friend did not experience any side effects!, now that has to be worth a try I thought, then I saw this post and I think my mind is made up! .

The sleep problem you are having maybe just worry, you know, waiting for 'the effects' (as I do subconsiously), and believe it or not you may just be excited that this could work, and make all your dreams come true!, and I hope it does!