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Old 3rd March 2007, 06:26
GoldFish GoldFish is offline
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Default Nightclubs are a Nightmare Sometimes!

Sometimes walking in( a challenge in itself) has this adverse effect where i turn pale and want to vomit, yup!

Dont get me wrong i know its a place for people to drink and enjoy their weekend, now i went along to a birthday at a club last night and it was so conjested with people, it took half an hour to buy a drink because of the lines of thirsty people.

I usually sit at the bar and talk to the bar staff when i get the chance as i dont dance to just any song, im a real music geek so it has to be a song i adore before i dance to it otherwise i personally dont see the point, but thats just my angle of it, so usually i dont dance and thats perfectly ok with me, as a guitar player i wouldnt expect an electronic DJ to get off on guitar/metal either.

I just sat there after witnessing this group of girls walking up to the muscley tall guys and drooling all over them, thinking...

"This really isnt my scene" ...."Its just not an enjoyable atmosphere, and it seems so fake" ...people doll themselves up, which is fine, it can be intimidating to, especially these days, its like we're in this (sexy skin tight) fashion that girls especially go for and guys too, so that makes it well yeah, thats intimidating to me, i dont know why that is, i think i just picture them only talking to the REALLY popular people, its irrational but i struggle to let go of that mind set

I tend to go to bars and really overthink the situation, but even when im relaxed i dont feel like staying until the early hours just to be seen as wild guy, which i know most of my friends do, its like being at high school and trying to be excepted or something

I found the music being played to be typical radio commercial songs that had no edge, anything thats on the charts was the weapon of choice.

You have to shout to strike up any form of conversation.

I walked away last night feeling like its honestly not the sort of place i want to be going to.

I enjoy restaurants where you can sit down and enjoy a meal with a friend or going to see a live concert from a band, i went to see Tool two weeks ago and that was enjoyable.

Even when i used to be more confident i never really enjoyed the club environment, it can be overwhelming even for the louder people sometimes, i have this friend who is over confident and many times he wants out of it.

So what is about clubs? ...i know that there are different types of them, the quiet corner pubs where you can sit down and read at a table and eat a steak sandwich is more chilled out and a relaxed environment.

live bands can be fun because you focus on the band and you can meet people who share the same musical interest.

if your into science then maybe you'll get more out of joining a science club and making friends with people that way.

My point is, do what you enjoy because the emphasis on clubbing is so hyped in teenage or young society these days, its almost expected in a peer pressure sort of way...for the weekend especially, if youve ever lived with a group young people, the pressure to conform can be hard to resist without arguments and prejudice ......that element of control is up to you in the end, maybe you enjoy clubbing and drinking the night away, dancing the night away, if thats your thing then they are the place for you.

As a drinker i dont force it, so i only drink every so often, every few weeks, its not that important to me.
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Old 3rd March 2007, 10:05
black_mamba black_mamba is offline
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Default Re: Nightclubs are a Nightmare Sometimes!

Good post, I agree in general as I had a similar opinion when I was in my teens. But now I understand the whole clubbing scene and indulge in it without the bitterness that used to surround the situation in the past.

The music the booze the debauchery, its only escapism. There are folk who enjoy the music, the overpriced watered down drinks and awful fashion on show, but I'd like to think that the overriding reason why people go to nightclubs is to completely escape their day-to-day lives and dance like a loon (which = adrenaline).

Some clubs will naturally attract people who want to chill and dance with their mates, others attract hoards of people on the pull, don't think they are all bad. If you find a nightclub that plays music you enjoy, maybe your opinion would be a tad different. I went to one a few months back that started out by playing sing-a-long cheesy rock classics (bon jovi, guns n roses etc.) and the entire dance floor was singing along. The atmosphere was very relaxed with little emphasis on looking cool. Eventually the idiot dj turned to playing RnB, at which point I left.

You're right, live bands are so much better.
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