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Rejoining Facebook

Posted 30th July 2015 at 00:22 by Amara 94

So about a month ago I closed down my old Facebook account due to the fact that I had lots of Facebook friends but most of them really didn't feel like friends, I wondered if I was just certain peoples friends so they can boast how many Facebook friends they had. Secondly I found Facebook a waste of time, I was just reading and viewing other people's lives while doing nothing in mines.

Now that I rejoined yesterday, I have decided that I am only adding people that have been friends...
Banned (at own request)
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Views 4103 Comments 1 Amara 94 is offline

Lonely? Desperate? Get Lost!

Posted 28th July 2015 at 14:07 by indigo777

I hear the advice often of making sure you don’t come across as too desperate, too eager to other people. Yet of course in the wonderful world of internet advice hypocrisy you also get the advice almost ad infinitum of feel the fear and do it anyway, force yourself to go out to everything, keep trying to talk to people at every chance.(so you appear desperate to people!) It’s hardly surprising it gets confusing then. Of course being too desperate shows that there is something wrong with you...
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More memories

Posted 23rd July 2015 at 14:54 by indigo777

The worst SA attacks I ever had was when I was young(18-25) and around the opposite sex especially attractive girls. Some people call this love shyness I think although I had SA in many other areas of my life as well and with other people. The only place I came across girls was at work as I never went to college, university or nightclubs as I had no friends. I can’t really describe an anxiety attack at its worst but it was similar to when I have had something terrible happen in my life like a...
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Looking for Mercy Street

Posted 12th July 2015 at 14:21 by indigo777

The deep sadness of longing is still there under the surface. Sometimes I hear the words of a specific song and I feel tears come to my eyes. Uncontrollable. Raw.The words bring emotions to the surface from deep within but then many of the songs I have are very personal and have meanings goings back many years. Unresolved problems. Fears for the future I had when I was still at school which all came true.

Most of the experiences of social anxiety I read online are from people still...
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Happy Talk

Posted 10th June 2015 at 13:47 by indigo777

[B][I]You've got to have a dream
If you don't have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true?[/I][/B]

I try to write things down sometimes to help me understand , to make me feel better but honestly my mind is so dead most mornings that even putting a coherent sentence together is difficult and everything becomes muddled and mixed up. This is even when I dont drink so its a depression thing. [B]Likewise trying to be positive or friendly on an anxiety forum is so...
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Views 17721 Comments 2 indigo777 is offline

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