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Here Comes the Rain Again

Posted 25th August 2014 at 14:21 by indigo777


Often I don't really mind a rainy day as it makes me feel better about doing nothing. However as today is the last public holiday before Christmas and is the last day of the city festival i had intended to go out and photograph things. It helps, doing things and occupying time helps to push the feelings of doubt and pain and unrelenting restlessness off of my back for a...
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Views 6951 Comments 3 indigo777 is offline

Perfectionist expectations = Chronic Procrastination

Posted 24th August 2014 at 00:16 by iTz0kt0Bu

It would be a lie to say today went well. I spent the whole day in my room with my smartphone. It's times like this where I question whether or not I would be better off without instant access to the internet.

I was thinking of going gym today but didn't due to anxiety and because I don't really know what to do, how to do certain exercises at the gym. Instead I expected to find answers online and before I knew it I had spent the whole day online. I didn't get any really effective...
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Social isolation? Is integrating really as easy as simply jumping out of your familia

Posted 21st August 2014 at 23:47 by iTz0kt0Bu

At work, so far the collegues have been nice and I bond with one of my collegues.

Not to say I like my job though, I'm considering changing jobs.

But one thing that my collegues seem to find surprising is how I don't know popular films or famous wrestlers. Yeah, I know not everyone is into the same things; but when you don't know the things that everyone else seems to know it can feel like you are a freak, don't know your countries culture, don't know how to act, where...
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Walking for pleasure(part 26)

Posted 16th August 2014 at 20:49 by indigo777

So today I got called a C**t. No I did not do anything wrong. This was just walking along the canal in a place I have been many times before. If you are alone and a gang of yobbos decide they are in the mood then its obligatory for scumbags to insult you. It only happens in gangs as they would be too cowardly to say anything if its one on one and usually after they have well passed you. At least they did not take the piss out of how I looked or walked which may have made my paranoia worse.
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Views 5551 Comments 2 indigo777 is offline

Bogey Face

Posted 1st August 2014 at 00:10 by indigo777

“Do you fancy a bogey mate?” Yes that’s the level of conversation you get walking down the street In Leicester these days. Mind you it is a rough area.A teenage girl said this to me as she picked her nose in broad daylight as she walked by me on my way to Tesco yesterday. Well it is the school holidays so the poor girl is probably just bored. I said no. I don’t fancy eating my own bogies let alone someone else’s. Even when I was her age I never got so bored during the summer holidays that...
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Views 5595 Comments 2 indigo777 is offline

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