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Social Mishap Therapy? WTF?

Posted 17th March 2017 at 00:56 by indigo777

[B]Hofmann: The definition of a mental disorder is that it causes either significant distress, and/or significant interference in one's life. So you might be able to perform normally during daily life, but you're terribly distressed around these social situations, such as meeting people, giving speeches, or doing things in front of people. It causes you such a level of distress that causes you to want to get help.[/B]

Well at least I know I am mental then, over 400 and never had a relationship, quit college after only 2 days, worked in a menial job for 20 years and never progressed, after being made redundant have not worked again in many, many years, have no daily contact with any other humans and virtually never socialises, is very depressed etc,

[B]Hofmann: Initially, we use speaking in front of the rest of the group. In the seventh or eighth session, we go on to do more individualized exposure treatments, constructing something that we would call a “social mishap” exercise. We expose them to their worst-case scenario. For example, if someone is not engaging in any dating behaviours because they are concerned about being rejected, we would ask them to go to a restaurant and ask every woman at the table for her number. And obviously, he would get rejected a lot, and that's the purpose of it.We script it very clearly. We say, you’re going to go in there now, and say the following: : “Hi, I like your face. Would you like to go out with me? Would you like to give me your number?” And she would obviously say, “No, go away, you freak,” or something, and that would be desirable. That would be perfect."[/B]

This is almost hilarious its so insane.You see that's why I dont go for help. I would need a gun put at my head to force me to go through that and would probably choose death instead. No normal man would go asking every woman in a restaurant for their number so asking the world shyest men(who probably stammer, blush and act awkward)is ridiculous. You would be punched or someone would call the police.Are shy people so scared of authority figures that if the therapist told then to cut their own testicles off with a rusty knife they would do it? I know its their 8th session but if it makes you feel that nervous then death is a viable alternative then the therapy does not work. Mind you I am much older than most people with social anxiety and more depressed and more pessimistic with absolutely no optimism. I dont know.the point is looking for help online and finding out that all therapy for CBT is based on making a huge twat of yourself again and again and again until you dont give a F**k any-more has put me off seeking therapy(even if I could get any on the NHS and after a 6 month wait if you are lucky) and that death starts to become a much more sensible and logical solution.(Yes I am drunk yet again but at least I mean it this time)
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  1. Old Comment
    I wonder how long this type of exposure therapy is meant to last.
    Posted 18th March 2017 at 00:40 by Sy4kQ87nmDS Sy4kQ87nmDS is offline
  2. Old Comment
    I think this is at the extreme end of the spectrum. Asking every woman in the restaurant sounds more like being a nuisance and would get them thrown out or punched as virtually no people go to restaurants alone anyway. Perhaps he meant bar or club. Another example I saw on youtube was someone singing Mary has a little lamb on a busy street. I wonder if they are only able to do this as they have gotten so much better due to prior exposure therapy.
    Posted 18th March 2017 at 01:04 by indigo777 indigo777 is offline
  3. Old Comment
    I understand they are using these methods to try and lower inhibitions which may work if someone had a bit of stage fright. But there's quite a difference to being able to psych yourself up to do random silly things and actually being able to engage and relate to people on a long-term basis. I actually find these techniques quite insulting and ignorant of the real issues.
    Posted 18th March 2017 at 18:59 by Sy4kQ87nmDS Sy4kQ87nmDS is offline

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