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Finding it hard again

Posted 14th March 2013 at 00:39 by warmness

I feel like I'm slipping back down the slope a little to how I used to be. I was over weight, tired, depressed, run down and crying everyday... I've being doing good since then, more upbeat, signing on, now finally doing voluntary work but I feel so run down and stressed and now finding myself crying again. My nans been in hospital, lady at job centre putting unbelievable pressure on me, drained, tired. The way this is making me feel I feel like I'm losing touch with the world again. I can't be...
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making a journey

Posted 9th June 2012 at 15:27 by warmness

Omg I cant believe I travelled all the way from solihull to mansfield by trains yesterday *tired*
So determind to see my boyfriend having a mental breakdown in the middle of nowhere wasnt even an option for me, was in proper A to B mode lol.
Im sooo proud of myself was totally on my own with no family to pick me up, felt quite independant for once, had to interact with people to make sure i was on the right train and stuff, havent just randomly spoke to a person in years and...
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Crash mode :error

Posted 3rd June 2012 at 17:53 by warmness

Im feeling really unstable today,shaking, erratic breathing, crying, im feeling the lot. I really need some support from people on top of it all I have self hating going on, and feel down so i have no chance of fighting it at the moment. I just need someone to hug me
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Love is in the air

Posted 26th May 2012 at 00:46 by warmness

So today I met a guy that ive been speaking to off here from febuary and omg it was just the perfect day we're now dating properly and it was lovely snugglling up in the cinema together he was the perfect gentleman bless him the funny thing was we paid to watch a film we never saw, just gazing at each other ahah! *smiling*
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Love is in the air

Posted 26th May 2012 at 00:46 by warmness

So today I met a guy that ive been speaking to off here from febuary and omg it was just the perfect day we're now dating properly and it was lovely snugglling up in the cinema together he was the perfect gentleman bless him the funny thing was we paid to watch a film we never saw, just gazing at each other ahah! *smiling*
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