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You can't please everyone

Posted 14th July 2018 at 16:51 by Amara 94

So at work I thought I had made good friends with this person who is the complete opposite to me. I really liked her and when we first got on, she helped my confidence a bit as it seemed like she noticed me, was interested in my well being and didn't judge me for being in a bad mood as most people do. She also use to tell me that she would invite me to her house and that I am like her nephew.

Fast forward to this week and it's like she never eats lunch with me again. I have noticed...
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Views 21276 Comments 2 Amara 94 is offline

Self Acceptance

Posted 11th June 2018 at 23:42 by Amara 94

Over the weekend, Saturday, I felt depressed and down on how it seems like I can't connect with people and how it had seemed that way as a kid. I was thinking I must be autistic or something. The thought was so strong in my mind that I felt I had to let a colleague that I am comfortable with know.

I thought the message was weird I pointed out how I think I may have autism but also asked how her day was and that I would not send "depressing"posts again. After I thought,...
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Identity Crisis + I feel that I may be autistic.

Posted 9th June 2018 at 00:24 by Amara 94

I have suspected that I may be autistic before and even seeked referal for it through the NHS but have been denied referal twice.

I think this time I am going to research autism more and provide a summary of why I suspect that I may be autistic.

I feel my workplace is causing me an identity crisis. It's an environment where extroversion is respected. I seem to actually like some outgoing colleagues, however I also envy how some literally seem like people magnets when...
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Views 4560 Comments 0 Amara 94 is offline

I need to find myself

Posted 30th May 2018 at 20:19 by Amara 94

So today I was still in a bad, helpless mood as I felt that I can't connect with anyone. This lunch again went similar. The mildly autistic colleague was telling us the names of items in different languages. Then him and the colleauge I was eating lunch with spoke some French and some stuff that didn't involve me. Then when the other colleague left, the mildly autistic colleague focused on the TV.

I was thinking about the situation, was thinking telling the collegue how I can't connect...
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Views 3798 Comments 0 Amara 94 is offline

I guess I must be a rubbish conversationalist (Warning: Negative, Pity blog)

Posted 29th May 2018 at 23:27 by Amara 94

Adding on from yesterdays blog I feel the fact that I m not able to converse casually and effortlessly with most people I know and that I have been called boring or have had it hinted at me through other peoples actons is making me feel miserable. What good is life if you can't connect with anyone?

Somebody did comment on the last blog that I don't come across as boring here but I need more than words I need to feel that I can connect with a person and we both enjoy each others company....
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Views 4196 Comments 0 Amara 94 is offline

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