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2013 - A year in review

Posted 31st December 2013 at 15:05 by cymruambyth26

I'll start by saying it's nice to come back onto SAUK. I've been away from this forum since about August/September and with 2013 coming to an end it's only right I should return and share with you guys my perspective on 2013.

I very much started 2013 in the same way i'll approach the arrival of 2014. Pessimistic and a mind filled with uncertainty about which direction my life will go in in the coming year.

It is however good to report that overall that 2013 has seen some achievement and continued progress as I recover from my Annus horribilis that was 2009.

First half of 2013 certainly can be defined for me by the contribution of this forum towards my recovery. I've found that being on here has allowed me to finally start talking about my previous illness and the impact a diagnosis of SA has had on my life and how it can still affect me on a day to day basis.

It has been a big help interacting with people who are in the same boat as me. At times I've even put my own worries into perspective when I've read of other people's experiences.

Thank you SAUK. I'll be around in 2014 so continue the good work!

Socially, I've been making big strides compared to previous years. I think a big contributing factor to that is that in April this year I was finally given a longer term contract at a local primary school to work as an teaching assistant in Year 1.

Being placed in the same school day in day out during the working week allowed me to finally interact with the same people and get to learn things about the people I work with on a daily basis and be a part of a team and not feel like I was always on the outside looking in.

It also provided the opportunity to get involved in some socialising opportunities and sure enough I did. I went for drinks/lunch on Inset Days with the staff, One colleagues engagement party in June, End of Year drinks in July and recently I went to my first ever Christmas Party with all the staff. I enjoyed it so much to the extent that I woke up the following morning and cried. I think that my have been the alcohol making me more emotional or just frustration as to why I'm not able to be like I was that night on a more regular basis. I'd be laughing if I was.

I've worked well certainly with one of my teachers this year and was very happy when I started working with a 22 year old teacher called Laura in October! (She has a boyfriend though.......the majority of good ones I encounter are always are taken much to my frustration!)

I have questioned on occassion whether I feel like i'm a part of the team at the school. It's difficult being the only male in the team in some respects as you get alot of clique's and groups of women who are all friendly with one another and know eachother really well. I'm happy with the approach i've taken though and kept an open mind and treated everyone the same.

Moving on from the social and job aspects of my year. Some personal, light hearted and mostly sporting highlights of mine for 2013.

Cardiff City getting promoted to the Premier League for the first time.

Wales retain the Six Nations by defeating England 30-3 denying England the Grand Slam!

My brother passing his driving test!

Andy Murray finally wins Wimbledon!

The Lions thrashing Australia to win the series!

England's Ashes triumph in the summer! (Just don't mention the current series)

Being named champion tipster in my first year as part of Dad's horse racing syndicate. (A bottle of Cava was a nice prize)

So there we have it. I'm weary that no one will read this post if I make it longer!

All that's left to say is that i'm pessimistic and feel very uncertain about what 2014 has in store for me but from past experience it's never turned out to be a bad thing to feel like that!

I wish everyone who reads this a very Happy New Year and all the best for 2014!
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  1. Old Comment
    Nice to read and very positive. Best of luck in 2014 :)
    All the best - Rob
    Posted 15th January 2014 at 16:47 by Riccip

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