I enjoy writing and am seeking to clarify my thoughts, feelings and internal process.
Posted 22nd July 2014 at 18:21 by Silver -
Breakdown and breakthroughs
Hi Indigo, thanks for the visit. The sunrise moment is worth the distress, well it felt to be true for me. You have a great imagination! In our wild forested past for sure there would have been wolves and bears prowling! I once had a hedgehog crawl right in, over me as I slept and rifle through my food- he laid a large poop too! Boldness!Posted 16th July 2014 at 09:05 by Star Rainbow -
Breakdown and breakthroughs
Interesting read as usual,sorry for replying so late but my mind has been wonky again for the last few days, sleep related.
Well done on the camping trip. I've often wanted to camp outside in the summer and get up early enough to watch the sunrise,preferably near some ancient stone circle.I know we live in Britain but would still probably have nightmares about grizzly bears and wolves dragging me from my tent after watching the Discovery channel. I'd more likely get trampled by some cows.
Good luck!Posted 15th July 2014 at 18:00 by indigo777 -
Emotional detox
Thanks slrrrp, your comment is very helpful - I often feel to be posting into a void and get a bit vulnerable esp as writing such personal stuff that may just seem utter nonsense to anyone who is not me lol. Hope you are having a good dayPosted 18th June 2014 at 09:03 by Star Rainbow -
Emotional detox
I do enjoy your blog posts - and I'm not even into spirituality, nature and whatnot. They are nice to read :)Posted 16th June 2014 at 23:58 by slrrrrp -
Losing myself and coming home again
Thanks Mark. I had to surf another huge wave of turbulence last night. Chaos imposed from outside leading to intense anxiety at a time when I was already fully depleted. Feeling battered, but I followed my own advice lol and just let it be awful and hope I would wake up feeling better. And I just about did, but hope today is calmer sailing!
Really need that rest and recharge!!Posted 29th May 2014 at 09:42 by Star Rainbow -
Losing myself and coming home again
That's interesting^Posted 29th May 2014 at 08:24 by Ronnie_Pickering -
Posted 21st May 2014 at 21:44 by Star Rainbow -
Grief and tree-hugging
Interesting blog postPosted 21st May 2014 at 15:20 by slrrrrp -
Posted 20th May 2014 at 21:46 by slrrrrp -
Pool paradox & unexpected visitor
Yes, I really do prefer a text/phonecall beforehand. Then I could get good and comfortable and generally have a better time.
I have a couple of friends who tend to 'drop by', I think it's cos they like it when ppl do this to them and they assume that everyone is the same.
'Freeze and hide' is a good response, good for you! It's my deeply entrenched ppl pleasing that is such a reflex to open the door with a fake smile and 'welcome' them in.
I like my friends, I just need to plan the time I spend with ppl, hopefully not a control issue, but personal energy management.
Thanks for the conversation.Posted 16th May 2014 at 09:13 by Star Rainbow -
Pool paradox & unexpected visitor
To this day I still hate people turning up out of the blue. I think it's actually quite inconsiderate.
At least you answered the door, that's more than I'd do. I generally freeze where I am and stay quiet until they've gone. Bit like hiding from graboids in fact.Posted 15th May 2014 at 12:25 by Laser -
Womb time
Hi Indigo, it is kind of you to comment, I realise I am being bold with the theme. I have fully resurfaced. Summer rain is great, its easier to appreciate without the cold and greens everything up so beautifully.Posted 14th May 2014 at 00:57 by Star Rainbow -
Womb time
Hope your feeling better now. I often feel like hibernating in rainy weather.Posted 12th May 2014 at 23:35 by indigo777 -
Posted 11th May 2014 at 15:18 by Star Rainbow -
Suddenly summer
Enjoy reading your blogs. You're a very sensuously feeling person, if that makes sense, and you are definitely making progress. Keep up the good work. :)Posted 8th May 2014 at 10:56 by Riccip -
Starting to socialise
Thanks. The Pagan festivals endure although the Christian church has hijacked the timings; there is a happy concordance of themes, mostly. I feel the meaning and depth have been mostly obscured by mass commerce, but these seasonal rituals are important markers in the psyche and we all need some spring revelry.
Well dressing is such a beautiful and simple honouring of the source of life. I expect you have some great photos from those festivals.Posted 5th May 2014 at 07:09 by Star Rainbow -
Starting to socialise
I have heard of beltane as my friend likes many of these kind of paganist type things. I love these old festivals and events and all the folklore of the UK.Well done fo gong and dont blame you at all for not greeting the strangers part. The well blessings are interesting as it reminds me of the well dressing festivals in the Peak District which I have been to.Posted 4th May 2014 at 23:50 by indigo777 -
Feeling brighter
HiThanks for the encouragement. I will check out the vid you mention. Yes, the diet -mood thing is huge. I can too easily self-medicate with starch and sugar, whereas my body seems to require higher protein/fat for metabolic gains.
Glad you dropped by!Posted 3rd May 2014 at 11:27 by Star Rainbow -
Feeling brighter
Good read again. Coincidentally I have just been looking at a youtube video on spiritual bypassing from TheSpiritualCatalyst. I don't understand all her ideas but some of the subjects really interest me. I am also more aware of how our diet affects our mental state especially in regards of sleeping and feeling calm as opposed to constant anxiety. Hope you had a good Saturday.Posted 29th April 2014 at 22:02 by indigo777