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Fear of Rejection

Posted 24th April 2019 at 20:52 by indigo777

The fear of rejection often comes up. This is usually from the view of males as of course men are almost always expected to approach and befriend women if they dont want to end alone as most women never make the first move beyond smiling and the odd hello if you are lucky. You almost always get the advice of just go talk to women all the time and get used to it, get used to rejection! Go speak to old cashiers at the supermarket. Nothing bad can happen so what have you got to lose? etc.
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Views 21101 Comments 0 indigo777 is offline

Aspergers and social anxiety

Posted 14th January 2019 at 15:13 by indigo777

It was very interesting to watch the BBC show Aspergers and Me by Chris Packham again. I am a fan of his having watched almost all British wildlife shows for the last 40 odd years and already knew of his condition.

Nevertheless it was surprising how many things aspergers has in common with social anxiety. He struggles in social situations and has not been to a party for a decade. He would not even go to a wedding with his partner or the graduation of his step daughter. Yes, he has...
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Views 30187 Comments 1 indigo777 is offline

Autumn Walking

Posted 20th September 2018 at 17:30 by indigo777

I quite enjoyed my walk yesterday. It may be due to autumn and lower temperatures and also less people around now the school holidays are over. Thinking about my anxiety makes me feel hopeless so I then want to kill myself. Reading about treatment for anxiety makes me feel first guilty and then hopeless so I then want to kill myself. No wonder people stay avoidant. Some people cant understand why a lone straight man is not chasing every female he sees as if like a crazed beast but I never had any...
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Views 18656 Comments 0 indigo777 is offline

How does a man be assertive without being creepy?

Posted 24th August 2018 at 20:54 by indigo777

I was reading some posts on an anxiety forum and several men said they almost felt like a creepy weirdo for approaching women, like they had no right to do it, like it was even a form of harassment. I also felt the same way. I think I actually found it degrading that as I was male I was expected to approach girls when I had the social skills of a dead sloth. You like a girl but the only way to get her to like you back and to go out with you is for you to approach her and befriend her, the only...
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Views 44759 Comments 2 indigo777 is offline

Should you post at all online when depressed?

Posted 22nd July 2018 at 20:56 by indigo777

........or do people at large discourage it forcing us to remain silent? Don’t keep it all bottled up inside…..but dont let it out and depress anyone else either! What? More hypocrisy on mental health?

Is it alright to blog or post online when you are depressed? Well if it’s a blog about depression then its going to be hard not to! I say this because I just read something from a well known social anxiety blogger person in their book who says when they went to an online social...
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Views 43796 Comments 2 indigo777 is offline

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