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  1. Old Comment
    Winnie57's Avatar


    Hope you are okay pure silence - take care
    Posted 8th January 2010 at 16:53 by Winnie57 Winnie57 is offline
  2. Old Comment


    Hope you're saying bye because you don't need your blog anymore. Good luck
    Posted 7th January 2010 at 10:01 by Reader Reader is offline
  3. Old Comment


    She'll be back.
    Posted 7th January 2010 at 02:53 by Cynic Cynic is offline
  4. Old Comment
    T's Avatar


    Hope everything is ok Pure Silence

    take care
    Posted 6th January 2010 at 20:35 by T T is offline
  5. Old Comment

    Ok then... well I am back again! for all you lovely people haha

    haha i remember playing 2d sonic and bubble bobble on my brothers SEGA lol x]
    Posted 20th November 2009 at 00:12 by CheshireChaz CheshireChaz is offline
  6. Old Comment

    Ok then... well I am back again! for all you lovely people haha

    Aww thankies hun, yea that be great seeing you :D
    Haha probably not long I started gaming at 4 and thing shane started when he was 6.. so probably like 5 yrs old xD
    Posted 19th November 2009 at 18:55 by oXPureSilenceXo oXPureSilenceXo is offline
  7. Old Comment

    Ok then... well I am back again! for all you lovely people haha

    You're doin great helen!!

    Haha i will come visit you n shane when you have your knew pad lmao XD

    That baby's gonna get alotta love from ya! Coz you're such a lovely, warm hearted person

    Know you guys are gonna be an awesome family huni =]

    wonder how long it is 'till baby Lee starts wuppin ass n takin names on xbox live lol =]
    Posted 15th November 2009 at 20:33 by CheshireChaz CheshireChaz is offline
  8. Old Comment
    brian_maiden's Avatar

    I am back.. but for how long? :o

    Hey, welcome back. I came back on here for the first time in ages today as well. Glad you're doing CBT and enjoying it, hope it goes well for you.

    [edit] Hmm ok, this comment wont make a lot of sense now as I have just seen the date on this and it was posted in may... yet when I just logged on it told me it was the most recent blog... weird! :S
    Posted 10th October 2009 at 19:59 by brian_maiden brian_maiden is offline
  9. Old Comment

    I am back.. but for how long? :o

    Thankies hun!
    Hehe coolies, well at least you around <3
    Posted 8th May 2009 at 16:13 by oXPureSilenceXo oXPureSilenceXo is offline
  10. Old Comment

    I am back.. but for how long? :o

    HEY YOU!

    im sort of back lol, well i browse the blogs once in a while if that counts
    Posted 8th May 2009 at 12:18 by CheshireChaz CheshireChaz is offline
  11. Old Comment
    Pal's Avatar

    I just don't understand.

    That's the thing... aside from the SA, I don't want to change... I don't want to be an alpha male... alpha males are generally wankers....

    I think you're over generalising here, you may percieve "alpha males" as being mostly wankers but i know/have known loads who aren't, besides i hate the whole "alpha male" terminology.
    Posted 14th January 2009 at 15:55 by Pal Pal is offline
  12. Old Comment
    brian_maiden's Avatar

    I just don't understand.

    That's the thing... aside from the SA, I don't want to change... I don't want to be an alpha male... alpha males are generally wankers....
    Posted 14th January 2009 at 00:06 by brian_maiden brian_maiden is offline
  13. Old Comment
    Pal's Avatar

    I just don't understand.

    You have to be rich, confident, good looking, alpha male... more or less the type of bloke i can't stand, let alone want to be myself... and so I'm made to feel like I'm some how worthless, and nobody would ever want me...
    Why do you assume that rich, confident, good looking, aplha male automatically equates to arrogant, nasty tosser. It doesn't at all.

    Also don't fall into the belief that you can't change, you can, you just need to actually try and be persistant.
    Posted 13th January 2009 at 20:54 by Pal Pal is offline
  14. Old Comment

    I just don't understand.

    they all seem to end up with the majority coming to a conclusion that someone like me stands no chance of finding love
    Not sure that any of them (let alone all of them) have "the majority" concluding that! A few people can be quite vocal without actually speaking from personal experience.
    Posted 13th January 2009 at 16:39 by Avocado Avocado is offline
  15. Old Comment
    brian_maiden's Avatar

    I just don't understand.

    I sort of feel the same about those threads... partly because they all seem to end up with the majority coming to a conclusion that someone like me stands no chance of finding love.

    You have to be rich, confident, good looking, alpha male... more or less the type of bloke i can't stand, let alone want to be myself... and so I'm made to feel like I'm some how worthless, and nobody would ever want me...

    Which I know isn't true, but sometimes the fact so many people think like that does get to me a bit.
    Posted 13th January 2009 at 14:31 by brian_maiden brian_maiden is offline
  16. Old Comment

    Anyways I am off.

    thts rly a shame hun
    ah well we still got msn n xbox live lol :P
    Posted 13th January 2009 at 14:29 by CheshireChaz CheshireChaz is offline
  17. Old Comment
    Pal's Avatar

    I just don't understand.

    Hi PureSilence

    I wouldn't describe people on here as being particually "shallow", i'm not sure quite why you think that.

    Anyway i'd be sad to see you go, i don't you need too and i've not noticed you doing or saying anything to upset anyone.
    Posted 13th January 2009 at 14:07 by Pal Pal is offline
  18. Old Comment
    brian_maiden's Avatar

    Anyways I am off.

    don't go, you're one of the good one.
    Posted 13th January 2009 at 13:45 by brian_maiden brian_maiden is offline

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