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Dreams are about to come true!

Posted 29th March 2013 at 16:01 by cymruambyth26

So, It all began in April 1999. Me an impressionable young boy being taken to my first ever football match by My Uncle and Dad.

I remember the game well Cardiff City v Torquay United. A third division match with less than 5,000 of us present. We drew 2-2 that day but it wasn't the result that was important to this 9 year old lad.

It was what I witnessed the determination and will of both sets players, the loud chanting, the singning the banter exchanged between both sets of fans, the blue colours in the stand, the stadium, the pre-match atmosphere, the players warming up, the match programmes........the experience.

It drew me in almost immediately and I vowed to return again and again and said as much to my dad.

I did return and I returned over and over again for years and years.......the division we played in didn't attract me, the amount of money we had didn't attract me it was a growing love and fondness for this club most local to me and it was a love of the game itself. I got just as much excitement and joy and ecstacy seeing us beat Halifax as I do these days seeing us beat Blackburn.

However, I always had this dream and every game from 9 years old onwards that I went to I would dream that my local team (the team that drew me in) could one day play amongst the best teams in the country.

Fast forward to 2013 and 14 years later I can finally start to believe that my dreams and fantasies as a 9 year old boy could become a reality.

My team who I witnessed draw with Torquay in Nationwide Football League Division 3 are just 9 games away from finally fufilling the dreams of not just me but every Cardiff City fan who has followed the club through thick and thin.

I've seen promotion, relegation, near administration, Playoff heartache, Playoff success, cup final heartache, near misses, close shaves, Wembley Stadium, i've seen our club and our fans tarred and feathered by others for the behaviour of just the few, I've seen us down amongst the deadmen of English football and through it all my love for Cardiff City my local team has never died.

The next 5 weeks will be the biggest 5 weeks my club has ever faced. It's the Premier League......the holy grail, destiny, the best league in the world. I can almost touch it, I can almost smell it. For 14 years I have dreamt it......

I am determined to be there to witness the next 5 weeks.....I will cheer, I will scream, I will shout, I will get angry, I will cry, I will experience moments of overwhelming joy and moments of overwhelming lows but I truely believe that when that day comes and final whistle blows and the announcements say:


The tears will stream down my face and all....all of that and the 14 years that I have dedicated to my club so will have been worth it to be to look people in the eye and finally say to them CARDIFF CITY A PREMIER LEAGUE CLUB! and be able to look in my newspaper next season and see Cardiff City in the same table as the likes of Manchester United and Liverpool.

I better get prepared as from tomorrow onwards it's going to be a rollercoaster ride.

COME ON CITY!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you if you have taken the time to read this.
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  1. Old Comment
    And Torquay are nowhere near
    Posted 29th March 2013 at 16:02 by Mr_Bean Mr_Bean is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Dreams can come true jb my football team are proof of that and I have no doubt that Premier League football could be just as much achievable for Torquay United (if you support them) one day as it has been for Cardiff City almost. (Not there yet)

    You may laugh at that but people use to laugh at me for wanting to see Cardiff City in the Premier League when we were struggling to get out of the lower leagues.

    They're not laughing now I can assure you.
    Posted 29th March 2013 at 16:10 by cymruambyth26 cymruambyth26 is offline
  3. Old Comment
    A telling story, I know you won't like me bringing up Swansea but they're another fine example of how dreams can come true in a fairly short space of time. I remember about 10 years ago they were lingering in the old Div 3 and seemed to be going nowhere and now look at them, flying high, doing well in the Premier League, playing great football and winning the League Cup. Who would've thought it?

    I hope that my local team Oxford can go on a similar rise up the leagues, I'm not exactly an avid supporter like you but I would still love to see them playing against teams like Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool on a regular basis. I don't believe it will happen in my life time but I suppose you never know, we had something like that happen around the mid 80s, too bad I wasn't born then!
    Posted 29th March 2013 at 18:21 by CelestineBabayaro CelestineBabayaro is offline
  4. Old Comment
    Thanks Samba.....this will mean alot to so many people in Cardiff if we can finally achieve this.

    No it's ok you brought up Swansea.....because it's true it's really been a fairy tale ride for them as a football club in the last decade even more extraordinary than Cardiff.

    They faced a must win game at the bottom of Division 3 in 2002 the club was near enough broke and if they had lost they would have been relegated from the Football League and into certain oblivion.

    They won the game 4-2. They stayed up, they were then bought for £1 by a Supporters Trust and within a decade they were a Premier League club.

    Well speaking as a fan of a club who use to play Oxford alot in the lower divisions I would say exactly the same as I would say to jb. No matter how much people find the idea of Oxford in the Premier League laughable.....never stop I've said all along dreams can come true!
    Posted 29th March 2013 at 23:19 by cymruambyth26 cymruambyth26 is offline
  5. Old Comment
    MattyMarr's Avatar
    Great blog. I could have written some of it fact for me it all started in Jan 1999, when I saw us beat West Brom in the cup (first game I clearly remember, I don't know what my first game was, probably somewhen in 96/97/98?).
    It was the atmosphere of the ground that got me hooked as much as the football did. 14 years later and I'm still hooked and we're on the verge of promotion to the second tier for only the second time in our history.

    This may sound crazy, but I'm not all that fussed about reaching the prem one day. Its too money orientated for me and I much prefer football in the lower leagues. Having said that, it would be one heck of a trip if somehow it did happen.

    I hope Cardiff do it this year, after supporting the club through thick and thin, you deserve it cymruambyth!
    Posted 30th March 2013 at 01:13 by MattyMarr MattyMarr is offline

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