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Old 16th December 2024, 22:34
Selkie Selkie is offline
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Default Social anxiety charity

Hi everyone,
We have started what we believe is the UK’s first social anxiety charity. It is progressing but we would love your feedback (see below).
The website has been created by volunteers with lived experience and was founded by three of the members here at SAUK.
It has ongoing reviews of pages by qualified therapists and also lived experience volunteers offering improvements to pages.
You would be very welcome to have a look – let us know how to make it better or any important help/resources we have not listed.
The website is at
The feedback form is at
An opportunity to take part in the ongoing "SAAUK feedback forum" is at
Many thanks
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Old 16th December 2024, 22:50
biscuits biscuits is offline
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Default Re: Social anxiety charity

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Old 16th December 2024, 22:57
BFG_ BFG_ is offline
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Default Re: Social anxiety charity

How do we know this isn't a scam profile posting?
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Old 16th December 2024, 23:53
Mr. Nobody Mr. Nobody is offline
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Default Re: Social anxiety charity

It comes up in a Google search before SAUK does, which is a feather in your cap, if you want it,
I see it mentions Australian social anxiety resources, so I'm presuming there's some kind of aussie connection somewhere?
I think it's amazing that you've got together and created this,
I like that it directs you onto NHS help and resources,
can't really see much wrong with it,
It did take a while to find it on a basic Google search,
Hopefully you can try and promote it more and get it more affiliated or linked in with NHS websites as a helpful resource?

I like that it's not too cluttered has an easy to navigate layout and doesn't rely on advertising.
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Old 17th December 2024, 01:21
Hopeforme Hopeforme is offline
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Default Re: Social anxiety charity

Is this affiliated to Dr Thomas Richards in any way?

Interesting website - will check out properly. Well done.
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Old 18th December 2024, 12:19
Seagull Seagull is offline
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Default Re: Social anxiety charity

Great work Selkie, have you flagged this on Social Anxiety Support Forum, which has a lot more traffic and is used by several UK SAers?
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Old 19th December 2024, 14:32
Selkie Selkie is offline
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Default Re: Social anxiety charity

Thanks so much for the responses. We have some brilliant and dedicated trustees (including our chair) and volunteers who have worked really hard to set up the website.

To respond to the questions:
- BFG, I'm not a scam profile and have been a member of SAAUK for a long time. The charity is genuine! You can look it up on the Charity Commission website: 'Social Anxiety Alliance UK' and it is registered charity number 1195520.
- Mr. Nobody - thanks v much for the info! There isn't an Australian connection, but we have included any resources that we and our clinical volunteers think are useful.
- Thank you Hopeforme - similarly no affiliation with Dr Richards, but his course has helped people and might be useful to others.
- Thank you Seagull! Do you mean this one:
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Old 14th January 2025, 20:44
Neil123 Neil123 is offline
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Default Re: Social anxiety charity

Thanks to Selkie for the above post. I volunteer with Selkie for the charity and have also been a long-time member here at SAUK. We won't constantly post because we know it's a discussion board for sufferers.

But - as a charity dedicated to social anxiety, we hope to help people with SA like those here at SAUK. The website has lots of info and we are hoping to expand so that we can offer even more. We really hope you find it useful!

Additionally, if there's anything else that you think a social anxiety charity could provide or if you have comments on the website we'd be really pleased to hear them:
1 - give us one off comments/feedback via
2 - Consider joining the "feedback forum" via

Feedback will let us know how we can best help people with social anxiety in the future and to prove to funders we are listening and reacting to the needs of the "social anxiety community"

We are a small charity - just beginning. Getting this feedback will start us on the journey to better social anxiety information and resources, and hopefully one day, a "free to use self-help course", helpline, peer support groups and more. Please let us know what things you need most!

Thanks, Neil
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